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Computer posts

Post 38: Upgrade time!
I built a PC in a Ikea storage box complete with an RX 6600.

Post 35: I made a thing! Wifi controlled PC Power Button
I figured out how to make use a D1 Mini with a relay shield to turn on a PC.

Post 32: Emulation
An opinion piece on why emulation is OK, actually.

Post 31: One man's trash is another man treasure: Broken laptops are the…
… the new SBCs. I suggest that used faulty laptops still can find some purpose in life.

Post 20: Trying out Windows on ARM with a Samsung Galaxy Book Go
Fannying about with a cheap ARM-based laptop, mainly to see how Windows behaves on non-x86 hardware.

Post 17: Look what I made! 3D Printed PC Case
Not having found a PC case I like for my HTPC, I decide to print my own.

Post 04: Self-hosting
Post 07: Self-hosting part 2: Picking a server
Post 11: Self-hosting part 3: Setting up Unraid
Post 12: Unraid: Recommended settings
An unfinished series about how you can repurpose an old PC as a home server as an alternative to cloud storage.