Spontane Reise Nach Deutchland um Bier zu kaufen
Post 00006 | July 20th, 2022
Today was the last day of the two-day heatwave. It was definitely too warm to stay inside (especially seeing the 3D printer was going), so instead I took the top off the Honda and went on a road trip. Beer and other beverages are taxed a lot less south of the border, so there are multiple border towns that consist of little else than big shops meant for thirsty Danes.
I went to Süderlügum. Mainly because the route there is very scenic but also because the border is called "Sædgrænsen" (Sæd Border) in Danish, named after the last town you visit before the border. "Sædgrænsen" can however also mean "sperm limit" which provided me with lots of entertainment for the trip.
Also, it turns out I'm able to small-talk, even after crossing the sperm limit. I haven't spoken German in about a decade and a half, so I was surprised to realise that I was able to keep a conversation going. I went a couple of towns further to get something to eat, so I'm assuming the people there aren't as used to dealing with Danes as they are by the border.

I had a lot of fun shooting with the Mavica. Knowing you only have 1.44 MB available is anxiety-inducing, so you want to line everything up just right, but good luck seeing what's in frame on that LCD on a sunny day like today was. Reminds me of back in the day where you didn't know if your holiday photos were any good before you went home to have them developed.
Anyway, the clouds will be back tomorrow, so hopefully I will be able to make some #content again soon.