
Note: This website contains almost no TokiMemo content.
In fact, this picture is the only reference at this point.

The archive section is finally live!

Post 00042 | August 5th 2023

Sorry about the delay; I have been procrastinating. I've ended up doing a lot of spring cleaning on the site. Here's a list of news for chose who reads changelogs:

  • The site now has an archive section. All posts are listed by date, but there are also different categories to pick from, almost like a real blog. I wasn't able to decide on an optimal way of listing the posts in each category, so I have experimented a little with different types. I guess that's one of the perks with writing your own html ;)
  • Every post now has its own page. In the beginning, everything was just spewed onto the homepage. When that became too big, posts were organised on subpages, with five posts per page. I liked the idea of scrolling through pages, but in retrospect it only added confusion. Now post 00023 is located at 00023.html like it should be.
  • The RSS feed has been cleaned up, and links have been updated. Sorry if this sends old posts to your feed reader. Let me know if you find any dead links or the like. It was a pretty big update and while I'm sure I have fixed most of it, I would be surprised if I didn't miss something
  • Sometimes some pages were a bit misaligned which looked horrible if you were flicking though pages. It took me forever to figure out what was wrong. Turns out the vertical scrollbar disables in many browsers if the page can be viewed on one screen. Removing the scrollbar meant the got wider, so the center shifted. Thanks to a little CSS Magic, the scrollbar should now visible.

Mostly under-the-hood stuff, but it makes life easier for reader and author alike. With this over with, I can now go back to writing about more interesting things.