
Note: This website contains almost no TokiMemo content.
In fact, this picture is the only reference at this point.


Post 00001 | July 4th, 2022

Welcome to my blog!
Sorry if it looks a bit... vintage; It's been about two decades since I attended an HTML evening class and seeing I have Strong Opinions on JavaScript, I'm afraid its going to look a bit last century.
On the plus side, I can almost guarantee you that the site is tracker-free because I don't know how to program stuff like that (and nor would I want to).

... and good to see you again if you came from the bird site!
I was @danielfrugt on there, but I left as the ambiance wasn't was it used to be - and let's face it - it won't get better under new ownership. It's best to abandon ship while there are still life boats.

... or if this is our first encounter, nice to meet you!
My name is Daniel, I'm from Denmark - Dan, Dane. I like old stuff, computers and video games in particular. I imagine this blog will mostly contain screenshots and small reviews of retro games or whatever old stuff I find on eBay.
There's a good chance I will be complaining about capitalism as well. I hope this doesn't scare you away.

This is very much a work in progress. This will either be A) a passion project which I will be maintaining autistically, or B) I will abandon it within a few weeks or whenever my hosting plan is up for renewal.
Curious to find out which it will be? Please subscribe:

(I almost felt like a YouTuber there)

Also, I plan on making a guest book when I figure out how (did I mention I'm a bit rusty?).